Gaojiping Gr
Type Locality and Naming
The type section is located in the vicinity of Gaojiping Village, Jexi County, Guangdong Province. It was named by Zhang Youzheng and others in 1962.
Synonym: (高基坪群)
Lithology and Thickness
First member of the Lower subgroup represents purple pebble-bearing tuff, volcanic breccia, tuffaceous sandstone, siltstone and sandy shale, with a thickness of 75-780 m; Second member of it represents dark-grey and grey-green andesite, augite-amphibole trachyandesite and its clastics, intercalated with iron-ore beds, with a thickness of 649-1079 m. First member of the Upper subgroup is predominated by acid rhyolite and its clastics, intercalated with many layers of carbonaceous shales, with a thickness of 160-2344 m; Second member of it is composed essentially of dacite, intercalated with rhyolite, andesite, sandy shale and iron ore horizons, with a thickness of 400-4260 m. Its thickness is of 1284-8463 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
It unconformably overlies the Early–Middle Jurassic, even older rocks.
Regionally, the schematic strat column indicates the next older unit as Maziping Gr of Middle Jurassic.
Upper contact
Regionally, the schematic strat columns indicates the next younger unit is the Sandong Fm volcanics of (?) Valanginian.
Regional extent
It is distributed extensively in the areas of Chonghua, Heyuan, Huiyang, Haifeng, Puning, Wuhua and Jiaoling in eastern Guangdong, with its exposures being found also in northern Guangdong and Hainan Island. Its lithology, rock facies and thickness are changeable greatly from place to place, with its thickness varying in a range from 200 m to 5300 m.
It yields conchostracans, fish, plant and spore-pollen fossils. In the profile stretching from Tanghu to Niupizhang of Huidong County there occur Eosestheria fossils as represented by Eosestheria sp. and Yanjiestheria spp.; plant fossils as represented by Coniopteris hymenophylloides, Onychiopsis elongata, Cladophlebis spp., Ptilophyllum pectin, P. cf. boreale, Cupressinocladus elegans, Pagiophyllumgracilis and Brachyphyllum cf. obesum.
Depositional setting
The group belongs to continental volcano-eruptive deposits and fluvial-lacustrine deposits formed during the eruption interval.
Additional Information